Sumba Beachfront Properties

Sumba Beach Front proudly offers a collection of more than 100 properties for sale, each ideally situated near the scenic beaches of West and South West of Sumba. Here, we present a curated list featuring 40 of our finest properties currently available for purchase. Explore the details below and find the perfect coastal retreat that suits your lifestyle and preferences.

#Land 2 – Wunta Paweru – 2,881m²

PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Wunta Paweru

#Land 1 – Wunta Paweru – 3,057m²

PT Property Sumba - Sea-View land-parcel for sale

#Land 3 – Harona Kalla- 2,881m²

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Wunta Paweru – Harona Kalla, total...

#Land 4 – Kabu Dahaelu – 1,810m²

  PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Kabu Dahaelu, total area = 1,810 Mt2,...

#Land 5 – Harona Kalla – 3,611m²

    PT Property Sumba - Beachfront for sale by owner, location in Harona Kalla, total  3,611 Mt2, 1 legal...

#Land 6 – Harona Kalla – 2,153m²

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale, location in Harona Kalla, total area = 2,153 Mt2, 1...

#Land 7 – Tora Wodo – 2,393m²

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Harona Kalla, total area = 2,393...

#Land 8 Harona Kalla 1348m²

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Harona Kalla, total are = 1,348Mt2...

#Land 9 – Lageri Jala – 38,646m²

    PT Property Sumba  - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location = Lageri Jala – Lamboya Bawa, total...

#Land 10 – Weetana – 20,005m²

PT Property Sumba PT - Beachfront for sale by owner, location in Weetana.

#Land 11 – Weetana – 4,410m²

PT Property Sumba - Beachfront for sale by owner, Location in Weetana.  

#Land 12 – Weetana – 21,070m²

PT Property Sumba - Beachfront for sale by owner, Location in Weetana.

#Land 13 – Pahola 42,585m²

PT Property Sumba Beachfront parcel for sale by owner, Location in Pahola.

#Land 14 Kapoleha – Pala Moko 7695m²

PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sales by owner, Location in Kapoleha – Pala Moko.

#Land 15 – Pala Moko – 2,959m²

PT Property Sumba - beachfront parcel for sale by owner, Location in Pala Moko.

#Land 16 – Pala Moko – 3,763m²

PT Property Sumba -  beachfront parcel for sale by owner, Location in Kapoleha – Pala Moko.

#Land 17 – Patiala Bawa – 5,770m²

PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, Location in Patiala Bawa.

#Land 18 – Boro Pala Moko – 3,894m²

PT Property Sumba -  Beachfront parcel for sale by owner, location in Boro Pala Moko.

#Land 19 – Patiala Bawa – 4,750m²

PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Patiala Bawa.

#Land 20 – Atedalo – Kodi -10,5066 Mt²

PT Property Sumba - Beachfront development for sale by owner, location in Atedalo – Kodi, 6 legal certificate, beachfront location.

#Land 21 – Bilacenge – 29,960 Mt²

PT Property Sumba - Beachfront parcel for sale by owner, Location in Bilacenge, 1 legal certificate beachfront.

#Land 22 – Kenduwela – 85,732 Mt²

PT Property Sumba - Beachfront parcel for sale by owner, Location = Kenduwela, 1 legal certificate, beachfront.

#Land 23 – Kapidada – 5,628 m²

PT Property Sumba- Beachfront parcel for sale by owner, location in Kapidada, 1 legal certificate, beachfront.

#Land 24 – Kadu Eta – 7,687Mt2

PT Property Sumba - Beachfront parcel for sale by owner, location in Kadu Eta, 2 legal certificate, beachfront location.

#Land 25 – Kaghona – 39,261 Mt2

    PT Property Sumba - Beachfront parcel for sale by owner, location in Kaghona, total area = 39,261 m²,...

#Land 26 – Kenduwela – 87,890 Mt2

  PT Property Sumba - beachfront parcel for sale by owner, location in Kenduwela, total area = 87,890 m², 2...

#Land 27 – Panenggo Ede – 10,000 Mt²

  PT Property Sumba - Sea-view parcel for sale by owner, location in Panenggo Ede, total area = 10,000 m²,...

#Land 28 – Tana Mete – 63,990m²

  PT Property Sumba - Beachfront for sale by owner, location in Tana Mete, total area = 63,990 m², 2...

#Land 29 – Wainyapu – 46,190m²

  PT Property Sumba - Beachfront parcel for sale by owner, location = Wainyapu, total area = 46,190 m², 2...

#Land 30 Wainyapu – 4,022m²

  PT Property Sumba -  Beachfront parcel for sale by owner, location = Wainyapu, total area = 4,022 m², 1...

#Land 31 – Wanyapu – 32,060m2

PT Property Sumba - Beachfront parcel for sale by owner,

#Land 32 – Waitabula – 6,419m²

  PT Property Sumba - Airport commercial parcel for sale by owner, location in Waitabula, total area = 4,022 m²,...

#Land 33 – Hoba – 1,001m²

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Hoba, total area = 1,001 m²,...

#land 34 – Harona Kalla – 2,881m²

  PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Harona Kalla, total area = 2,881 m²,...

#Land 35 – Harona Kalla – 16,863m²

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Harona Kalla, total area = 16,863...

#Land 37 – Loku Kumha – 8,490m²

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Loku Kumha, total area = 16,863...

#Land 38 – Wewuji – 9,246m²

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Wewuji, total area = 9,246 m²,...

#Land 39 – Harona Kalla – 4,841m2

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Harona Kalla, total area = 4,841...

#Land 40 – Weluri Kala – 3,866m²

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Weluri Kala, total area = 3,...

#Land 41 – Kabul Huka – 8,655m²

  PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in KABUL HUKA, total area = 8,655 m²,...

#Land 42 – Galu Marada – 11,118m²

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Galu Marada, total area = 11,118...

#Land 36 – Wunta Paweru – 10,500m²

    PT Property Sumba - Sea-View parcel for sale by owner, location in Wunta Paweru, total area = 10,500...